From Chemical Craftsmanship to the Art of Gilding Atoms (e-book, 2024)

Hubert Schmidbaur
From Chemical Craftsmanship to the Art of Gilding Atoms

(Available from Sep 7, 2024)
282 pp., 266 Figs., 39.80 €
ISBN 978-3-86225-559-7 (E-Book/PDF)


The e-book has the same content as the hardcover edition, but pictures are shown in color where available.


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PDF version: ISBN 978-3-86225-559-7 (39.80 €)
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Single chapters

  • Chapter 1: Childhood (1934–1939) and Elementary School (1939–1945) in the Third Reich (24 pp., 16.00 €)
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  • Chapter 2: High School Years in post-war Germany (1945–1953) (22 pp., 16.00 €)
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  • Chapter 3: University of Munich (LMU): Studies up to the Doctorate (1953–1960) and two post-doctoral Years (1960–1962) (26 pp., 16.00 €)
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  • Chapter 4: University of Marburg (1962–1965) (22 pp., 16.00 €)
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  • Chapter 5: University of Würzburg (1965–1973) (32 pp., 16.00 €)
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  • Chapter 6: Technical University of Munich (TUM): the First Decade (1973–1983) (46 pp., 20.00 €)
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  • Chapter 7: Technical University of Munich (TUM): the Second Decade (1983–1993) (58 pp., 26.00 €)
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  • Chapter 8: Technical University of Munich (TUM): the Last Decade in Office (1993–2003) (46 pp., 20.00 €)
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  • Chapter 9: Two Decades as a TUM Emeritus (1993–2003) (20 pp., 16.00 €)
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  • Appendix: acknowledgements, vita, chemistree, publications, links and literature, index (32 pp., 16.00 €)
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