Lives in Chemistry
This series of autobiographies provides insights into the lives and thoughts of outstanding research scientists in the context of the times they lived in. What role does the continuous sequence of hypothesis, experiment, and interpretation play in top chemical research? What is the role of impulses from mentors, students, colleagues, and competitors? Successful scientists describe authentically and in a very personal way how innovation is created.
Karl Reuter Video: Origins of the Book Project and my Vision for it
Download transcript (PDF, 900 kB)
Major goals in chemical research often take a long time to achieve. In chemistry, the research process—from the hypothesis to experiments and interpretation—often consists of many rapid steps that proceed more quickly than those in neighboring disciplines. The works in the present series show how such a process can translate into major scientific achievements.
The series is steered by an Advisory Board that has been appointed by the Executive Committee of the History of Chemistry Division of the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, GDCh). The project is sponsored by Dr. Karl Reuter (RCA, Freiburg, Germany). In the first volume of ‘Lives in Chemistry’, Guenther Maier describes how the series was born. Like chemistry, the series is international, and chemistry is broadly defined, thus incorporating many neighboring disciplines.
In science, life and work are often closely interwoven. The series consists of important, contemporary documents that are stimulating, instructive, and entertaining—and as diverse as people can be.
Thanks go to all those who contributed to the realization of this idea.
Berlin, Summer 2021
Carsten Reinhardt, Chairman Advisory Board
Members of the Advisory Board:
- • Katharina Fromm, Fribourg, CH
- • Peter Goelitz, Weinheim
- • Ralf Hahn, Berlin
- • Henning Hopf, Braunschweig
- • Dieter Jahn, Hamburg
- • Guenther Maier, Giessen/Marburg (Honorary Member)
- • Martin Oestreich, Berlin
- • Carsten Reinhardt, Bielefeld (Chair)
- • Eva E. Wille, Weinheim
The Advisory Board is a panel of the Executive Committee of the History of Chemistry Division of the German Chemical Society (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, GDCh)
Free download: Lives in Chemistry: Directory of Names, First Ten Volumes
In preparation
Sigrid Peyerimhoff
Ab initio – Ein Leben fuer die Quantenchemie (German language, 2025) -
Albert Eschenmoser
Awards are Nice but Discoveries are Better (2025) -
Ryoji Noyori
Research Should Be Fresh, Simple, and Clear (2025) -
Klaus Muellen
Die Chemie muss stimmen (German language, 2025)
Published so far
Katharina Kohse-Hoeinghaus
Burning for Science—A Woman in a Technical Field (2025) -
Hubert Schmidbaur
From Chemical Craftsmanship to the Art of Gilding Atoms (2024) -
Larry E. Overman
Designing Synthetic Methods and Natural Products Synthesis (2024) -
Horst Kessler
NMR was my Compass in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry (German language, 2023) -
Gerhard Ertl
My Life with Science (extended English edition, 2023) -
Franz Effenberger
From Arenes and Heterocycles to Bio- and Nanotechnology (German language, 2023) -
Stephen B. H. Kent
Inventing Synthetic Methods to Discover How Enzymes Work (2022) -
Dieter Oesterhelt and Mathias Grote
Live with Light and Color: A Biochemical Conversation (German language, 2022) -
Henri Brunner
Looking Glass Chemistry: Small Differences—Gigantic Effects (German language, 2021) -
Gerhard Ertl
My Life With Science (German language, 2021) -
Guenther Maier
Done—Memories of a PhD Supervisor (German language, 2021)