Hubert Schmidbaur, From Chemical Craftsmanship to the Art of Gilding Atoms

Hubert Schmidbaur
From Chemical Craftsmanship to the Art of Gilding Atoms

(Erscheint als Hardcover-Ausgabe und als E-Book am 7. September 2024)
282 Seiten, 266 Abb., 39,80 €

  • Goldprämiertes Buchdesign, reich bebildert mit Fotos, Illustrationen und Schemata, mit einer Vielzahl von lehrreichen Anhängen, zusätzliches Supporting Material zum Herunterladen. Das Buch ist gedruckt und als E-Book erhältlich:
  • Gedruckte Ausgabe: Hardcover 17 × 24 cm, zweifarbig (PANTONE® 871 U), im siebgedruckten Schuber.
    ISBN 978-3-86225-134-6 HIER BESTELLEN
  • E-Book-Ausgabe: Identischer Inhalt wie die Hardcover-Ausgabe, jedoch mit Farbabbildungen soweit verfügbar.
    ISBN 978-3-86225-559-7 HIER BESTELLEN
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A momentous decision was made by Hubert Schmidbaur, born in 1934 in Landsberg, Bavaria, when he applied for a top-notch scholarship in 1953 choosing “Chemistry”—and thus starting his 70-year journey in science.

He began his studies in the post-war ruins of Munich’s Ludwig Maximilian University chemistry buildings, and embarked also on industry internships abroad to finally choose the sulfur labs of Max Schmidt for his PhD in 1960. He then left sulfur and Munich and went off to take care of silicon and many other elements, first in Marburg and Würzburg and finally in Munich’s Technical University in 1973.

He loved the chances offered by the periodic table as an unlimited playground, collaborating with chemists all over the world. His charismatic lectures and his innovative approach to new research areas captivated students and fellow scientists alike. His career culminated in his gold era that stimulated so many till the very day.


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