Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus, Burning for Science—A Woman in a Technical Field

Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus
Burning for Science—A Woman in a Technical Field

Das Buch erscheint am Weltfrauentag 8. März 2025
Hardcover 17 × 24 cm im Schuber, ca. 320 Seiten, ca. 220 Abb., ca. 39,80 €
ISBN 978-3-86225-137-7
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Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus was born in Germany’s industrial Ruhr area in 1951. Science fascinated her early on — this never changed and propelled her life into a stellar academic career. After studying chemistry, she cut her own path from atmospheric chemistry to combustion science.

Constantly she created new trails between physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering to explore combustion, pollutant emissions, and new analytical techniques.

Challenges like a dual-career family and raising funds for cross-border science led to many out-of-the-box initiatives, including science education for kids and students.

Katharina is famous for never running out of fuel: She became the first female President of the International Combustion Society and of Germany’s Bunsen Society, served on numerous boards and received many awards. Her trailblazing life for women in STEM worldwide is remarkable and her engaging story will be enjoyed by all!

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